SB Order 30/2021 -Amendment to Rule 3(1) & 4 of Appendix III (Incentive Scheme for Branch Postmasters) of POSB CBS Manual circulated through SB order No.09/2018 dtd 17.07.2018

 SB Order 30/2021 -Amendment to Rule 3(1) & 4 of Appendix III (Incentive Scheme for Branch Postmasters) of POSB CBS Manual circulated through SB order No.09/2018 dtd 17.07.2018

SB Order No. 30/2021

File No. FS'07 I 11202 1'FS-DOP-Part(1)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(F.S. Division)
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001

Dated: 18.10.2021
All Head of Circles / Regions

Subject: Amendment to Rule 3(1) & 4 of Appendix III (Incentive Scheme for Branch Postmasters) of POSB CBS Manual circulated through SB Order No. 09/2018 dated L7.07.20L8 - Regarding.

    Commission at the rate of Lo/o on the net accretions in PO Savings Account, subject to certain conditions, is paid to the GDS Branch Postmaster. Earlier, the facility of operation of Accounts standing at the Branch Post Offrces was available at Account Office / Head Post Office besides the BO where the account stands. At present, the Savings Accounts standing in the Branch Post Offrce are operated from any CBS post offices and the BO accounts are linked with IPPB Savings Account for Sweep-In / Sweep out facility. Further, other facilities like ATM, Internet Banking and Mobile Banking are also allowed to the Savings Accounts standing in the Branch Post Offices. Hence, the channels for operation of accounts standing in the Branch Post Offrces have increased.

2. Hence, the process for calculation of net accretions in PO Savings Accounts for incentive payment has been reviewed and the following provisions in Rule 3(1), 4(D & 4(2) of Appendix III (Incentive Scheme for Branch Postmasters) of POSB CBS Manual circulated through SB Order No. 09/2018 dated L7.07.2018 are amended.

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