ToAll Chief Postmasters General
Subject: Setting up of Mail Monitoring Units (MMUS) at Directorate/Circle/Region and Division level for monitoring of Mail / Parcel Operations and Delivery.
The vast network and capabilities to deliver at any address in the country are the two unique selling propositions (USP) of India Post. Over a period of time these two USPS of India Post have come under a threat from various logistics service providers working at Pan India level and also at local level.
2. Several E-Commerce companies and other bulk customers do recognize the strength of India Post in effecting delivery across the country including remote, rural and inaccessible areas. The two main concerns of these customers i.e. non-visibility of consignments in the system during transit and non-availability of delivery scans, however, dissuade them from engaging with India Post on a larger scale.
3. There is, therefore, an urgent need for revamping mail/parcel operations and delivery efficiency across the country to meet the basic expectations of customers, both bulk and retail.
4. Mail/Parcel operations and delivery are two such areas of the Department which require effective monitoring on a daily basis. This can be ensured only by setting up an effective and responsive monitoring mechanism at all levels i.e. Directorate, Circle. Region and Division.
5. It is in this background that a group consisting of seven Divisional Heads from different Circles was formed to devise an effective monitoring mechanism supported by availability of relevant data on a dashboard at the level of Directorate, Circle, Region and Division.
6: The Group has recommended setting up of separate Mail Monitoring Units (MMUS) at Directorate, Circle, Region and Division level to identify the issues which adversely affect mail and parcel operations from booking to delivery and take prompt steps to resolve the issues at grass root level on a day-to-day basis.
7. Mail Monitoring Units (MMUs) in Category-I Circles as defined in the SOP, shall be headed by PS Group 'B' level officer. In Category-Il Circles and Regions, an ASP/Inspector level officer shall head the MMU. Circle under Category II may consider making PS Group B officer in-charge of MMU. In-charge of MMU at Circle/Region shall report to DPS (HQ)/ DPS (Mails & BD)/DPS/PMSG in the Circle/Region as the case may be. Accordingly, In-charge of MMUs at Directorate level shall report to DDG (Mail Operations), Postal Directorate and General Manager (Operations) Parcel Directorate respectively.
7.1 MMUS in Class A Divisions shall be headed by Deputy Superintendent of Post offices and Class B Divisions by ASP/Inspector level officer who will report to Postal/RMS Divisional Head, as the case may be.
7.2 Officers preferably with 2-3 years of field experience including Mail Operations and well versed with Departmental software / BI Tools / MIS i.e. PoS/DPMS/IPVS/MIS etc. should head the Mail Monitoring Units. Besides, it must be ensured that head of MMUs are not changed frequently so as to ensure continuity in working of MMUS.
8. SOP containing structure, role and responsibilities of the Mail Monitoring Units to be set up at Directorate, Circle, Region and Divisional level is enclosed herewith for reference and taking further necessary action in this regard. These instructions will supersede the instructions regarding setting up of QMCs at various levels issued by the Mails Division vide letter number 30-21/2022-D dated 22/09/2022
9. MMUS will start functioning in each Circle/Region and Division (Postal & RMS) with effect from 17th July 2023. Circles, Regions and Divisions must ensure that posting orders of MMU In-charge & other supporting staff in the Circle, Region and Divisional are issued by 27.06.2023. Details of in-charge, MMUS at Circle, Region and Division level (Name, Employee ID, Mobile Number and e-mail ID) and officials posted in Circle, Region and Divisional MMUs may be shared with Parcel Directorate by 30.06.2023 on /
10. Training of trainers will be arranged by Mission Karamyogi Division from 01-07th July 2023.
11. This issues with the approval of the DG Postal Services.
Encl:- As Above(Ajay Kumar Chief General Manager)
All Chief Postmasters General
Subject: Setting up of Mail Monitoring Units (MMUS) at Directorate/Circle/Region and Division level for monitoring of Mail / Parcel Operations and Delivery.
The vast network and capabilities to deliver at any address in the country are the two unique selling propositions (USP) of India Post. Over a period of time these two USPS of India Post have come under a threat from various logistics service providers working at Pan India level and also at local level.
2. Several E-Commerce companies and other bulk customers do recognize the strength of India Post in effecting delivery across the country including remote, rural and inaccessible areas. The two main concerns of these customers i.e. non-visibility of consignments in the system during transit and non-availability of delivery scans, however, dissuade them from engaging with India Post on a larger scale.
3. There is, therefore, an urgent need for revamping mail/parcel operations and delivery efficiency across the country to meet the basic expectations of customers, both bulk and retail.
4. Mail/Parcel operations and delivery are two such areas of the Department which require effective monitoring on a daily basis. This can be ensured only by setting up an effective and responsive monitoring mechanism at all levels i.e. Directorate, Circle. Region and Division.
5. It is in this background that a group consisting of seven Divisional Heads from different Circles was formed to devise an effective monitoring mechanism supported by availability of relevant data on a dashboard at the level of Directorate, Circle, Region and Division.
6: The Group has recommended setting up of separate Mail Monitoring Units (MMUS) at Directorate, Circle, Region and Division level to identify the issues which adversely affect mail and parcel operations from booking to delivery and take prompt steps to resolve the issues at grass root level on a day-to-day basis.
7. Mail Monitoring Units (MMUs) in Category-I Circles as defined in the SOP, shall be headed by PS Group 'B' level officer. In Category-Il Circles and Regions, an ASP/Inspector level officer shall head the MMU. Circle under Category II may consider making PS Group B officer in-charge of MMU. In-charge of MMU at Circle/Region shall report to DPS (HQ)/ DPS (Mails & BD)/DPS/PMSG in the Circle/Region as the case may be. Accordingly, In-charge of MMUs at Directorate level shall report to DDG (Mail Operations), Postal Directorate and General Manager (Operations) Parcel Directorate respectively.
7.1 MMUS in Class A Divisions shall be headed by Deputy Superintendent of Post offices and Class B Divisions by ASP/Inspector level officer who will report to Postal/RMS Divisional Head, as the case may be.
7.2 Officers preferably with 2-3 years of field experience including Mail Operations and well versed with Departmental software / BI Tools / MIS i.e. PoS/DPMS/IPVS/MIS etc. should head the Mail Monitoring Units. Besides, it must be ensured that head of MMUs are not changed frequently so as to ensure continuity in working of MMUS.
8. SOP containing structure, role and responsibilities of the Mail Monitoring Units to be set up at Directorate, Circle, Region and Divisional level is enclosed herewith for reference and taking further necessary action in this regard. These instructions will supersede the instructions regarding setting up of QMCs at various levels issued by the Mails Division vide letter number 30-21/2022-D dated 22/09/2022
9. MMUS will start functioning in each Circle/Region and Division (Postal & RMS) with effect from 17th July 2023. Circles, Regions and Divisions must ensure that posting orders of MMU In-charge & other supporting staff in the Circle, Region and Divisional are issued by 27.06.2023. Details of in-charge, MMUS at Circle, Region and Division level (Name, Employee ID, Mobile Number and e-mail ID) and officials posted in Circle, Region and Divisional MMUs may be shared with Parcel Directorate by 30.06.2023 on /
10. Training of trainers will be arranged by Mission Karamyogi Division from 01-07th July 2023.
11. This issues with the approval of the DG Postal Services.
Encl:- As Above
(Ajay Kumar Chief General Manager)