Kerala Postal Circle (Instagram)


The Returned Letter Office at the Office of the Chief Postmaster General, Kerala Postal Circle, is hosting a PUBLIC AUCTION of unclaimed valuable articles!

📆Date: January 2nd, 2024

📍Location: Office of the Chief Postmaster General, Kerala Postal Circle


     It is hereby notified for public information that the unclaimed articles containing valuables received at Retumed Letter Office, (RLO) Office of the Chief Postmaster General, Kerala Circle, Trivandrum 695033 will be sold by public auction on 02-01-2024 at 10.00 hours at the Office of the Chief Postmaster General, Kerala Circle, Trivandrum 695033.

     The intending bidders who wish to participate in the auction are required to deposit an earnest money (EMD) for Rs.500/-(Rs. Five hundred only) in cash, before commencement of the auction to the auctioning authority. The admission to the auction hall will be restricted to token holders only. Tokens can he obtained from the Mail section of Office of the Chief Postmaster General, Kerala Circle, Trivandrum 695033 on all working days from 26-12-2023 up to 0930 hrs on 02-01-2024 by depositing the EMD

     The successful bidders should credit 50% of the amount on the spot. The unsuccessful bidders will be refunded the amount of earnest money only after the auction is over. The successful bidders will have to remit the balance amount before release of the good. The items will be released only after getting approval from the competent authority. If the items are not cleared within 24 hrs of getting intimation, the earnest money and the 50% of the amount credited on the spot will be forfeited to the Government and the said bidders have no claim on the goods.
The undersigned reserves the right to accept or reject any bid without assigning any reason. The undersigned also reserves the right to cancel the auction without assigning any reason whatsoever and the decision taken on this matter shall be final. It is also stipulated that in the event of auction not completed on 02-01-2024, the auction will be extended to the subsequent date/dates as per the discretion of the auction authorities.
Further details will be available with the Mail section, Office of the Chief Postmaster General, Kerala Circle, Trivandrum-695033

ℹ️ For more details and to view the list of items up for grabs,

🔗 visit the official website:

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