Kerala Postal Circle Sports Calendar 2024-25

The Circle Sports Calendar for the year 2024-25 is enclosed herewith. Divisions concerned are requested to conduct the Zonal and Circle Selection Trials as per the proposed
dates. After conducting the Zonal Selection Trials (in case of Cultural Meet), the result may be intimated to the division conducting Circle Selection Trials under intimation to this office. In this regard, the following instructions may also be taken into consideration:

1. Officials should not be permitted to participate in the selection trials without proper kit and dress prescribed for different sports events.

2. In addition to recommending the sclected team, tlhe selection committee should also
certify the quality of the officials selected.

3. It is the prerogative of the Circle Head to announce the Circle team for participation in
the All India events. Therefore the Divisional Heads concerned are requested not to
announce the Circle team. Once the selection trials are over, the Divisional Head may
forward the results of the individual items

4. Orders contained in CO letter No. KPSB/SR/2012 dated 17.05.2012 regarding the
payment of TA/DA for participation iu Zonal/Circle Selection Trials should be
scrupulously followed.

5. In all the events, except the evenit hosted by the Circle, it may be noted that only
selection trials are being conducted. Therefore organizing functions, printing of
invitations, distribution of prizes, mementos etc may be avoided.

6. The Divisions holding the Zonal Selection Trials/Circle Selection Trials may project the
anticipated budget for the same to their respective Regional Offices/ Circle Office well
in time and get it approved from Circle Office..

7. The expenditure in connection with the conduct of selection trials should be kept at a
minimum amount and unnecessary exepense if any, wil! not be provided from the Circle
Sports Fund.

8. The bills in connection with the expenditure incurred in the Zonal Selection Trials/Circle
Selection Trials including Train tickets collected from participants duly countersigned by the Divisional Head may be forwarded to after the completion of Selection

P. Binu
Assistant Director (Sports)

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